Sunday, April 14, 2019

Finally Up To Date

April 2019

I'm getting more acquainted with this again so I just wanted to give readers an idea of the content and suggestions of how we all interact. I plan on writing at least twice a month, more if there's really something important(I don't want to overwhelm). Part of my life's purpose, I believe is to share the ups downs and lessons of someone living with Spina Bifida so I'll be talking about life.  Other times, I may discuss(prayerfully factually) thoughts, ideas about current topics from funny to mundane and yes even politics and faith. While I am a Christian I won't promise to be perfect, you may not like everything I say. I'm only going to post a few more entries to Facebook.  I welcome you to click the "follow" button or enter your e-mail address which then, I believe will notify you only when there're new entries. Should you choose to follow the blog and wish to comment, please feel free.  I ask you to be respectful and I'll do the same.  I don't mind dialogue but let's be open minded and respectful.

2019's been ok so far.  I've had some health concerns but they're slowly diminishing. My last testing will be in May for concerns about lymph nodes. Doing my best not to worry until I know there's something to worry about.  Like I said I work at the local Target.  Strangely I haven't worked since Mid January due to changes they made and they need to "figure out how to fit me back into the job" Given the weather and health challenges, I haven't worried to much but it's getting hard(financially and otherwise). Also, I haven't really heard of anyone else being shorted due to changes. I hope something works out soon.  Till then I'll work more on my Wedding Consulting plans.  OH I also have a blog for the I hope you join me there to. Well, that's all for now. Night Folks!

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